BioKryo at the BIOTECHNICA 2011

The BioKryo GmbH presents a novel electronic rack for automatically identification and logging of cryopreserved samples as a part of their innovative cryo-storage technology at the fair BIOTECHNICA. The documentation of the storage process is fully automated and occurs in a special database. The Perma Cryo sample tubes identify and register themselves automatically into the database using their built-in memory chips. Thus, a 100% sample identification is guaranteed.
The BioKryo GmbH offers cryostorage of valuable therapeutical and diagnostical biological samples, like stem cells and tissues. As a Fraunhofer-Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) spin-off, the BioKryo GmbH profits from a 10 year-experience in cryotechnology and stem cell research. We offer this highly specialized low-temperature storage, a.o. our biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry customers, so that they might store e.g. valuable cell lines as back-up. The BioKryo GmbH possesses a license according to § 20c AMG for the storage of e.g. tissues or therapeutic stem cell lines and therefore we are able to provide a GMP compliant storage service.
Please find the BioKryo GmbH from October 11 to 13 as Fraunhofer IBMT´s co-exhibitor at hall 10/booth 9. The Biotechnica fair is one of the most important trade fairs in Europe for biotechnology and life sciences industry.
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