BioKryo presents new research results at the 12th Cryogenics 2012

BioKryo GmbH presents new research results achieved in the topic of mobile cryopreservation of parathyroid glands.
These results are significant elements of "HyperPara" used for the storage of cryopreserved parathyroid gland for the treatment of the hyperparathyroidism disease. In collaboration with several hospitals and the Fraunhofer IBMT, BioKryo has succeeded to offer a complete solution for the national transport and cryostorage of parathyroid tissue.
By the title: "Standardization of the cryopreservation process for parathyroid glands" BioKryo presents the accumulated experience and knowledge in the field of standardization of freezing processes, storage and outsourcing, as well as transport of parathyroid tissue within GMP-conditions. BioKryo GmbH has the latest equipment, which is regularly validated and audited, as well as high-performance database systems, thus very high quality of "HyperPara" is guaranteed.
Dr Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen, CEO of BioKryo GmbH, represents the company at the Cryogenics 2012. He will give a talk on Wednesday, September the 13th at about 12:40 within the Cryogenics 2012 Congress.
The Cryogenics is a joint conference of the IIR Commissions, which is held every two years. This year´s title will be: "The Technology of Low Temperatures". New equipment, innovative technologies as well as diverse related topics regarding the handling within a cryogenic temperature range (-120° K) will be discussed at this congress.
BioKryo GmbH offers cryostorage of valuable therapeutical and diagnostical biological samples, like stem cells and tissues. As a spin-off of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT), the BioKryo GmbH profits from a 10 year-experience in cryotechnology and stem cell research. The BioKryo GmbH possesses a license according to § 20c AMG for the storage of e.g. tissues or therapeutic stem cell lines and is therefore able to provide a GMP compliant storage service.
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