BioKryo joins BIO Deutschland

In July 2012, BioKryo accedes to the inter-trade organisation of biotechnological industry called BIO Deutschland e.V.
BIO Deutschland´s aim is the support and the promotion of that innovative commercial sector, which is based on modern biomedical science. BIO Deutschland is the German representative of the European biotechnology industry association EuropaBio. With this membership, several opportunities for knowledge exchange and interaction with other biotech companies are afforded by joining numerous national and international events. With BioKryo, BIO Deutschland gains a new competent partner in the field of cryo technology and stem cell research, who can exhibit over ten years of experience in bio banking.
[nbsp]The BioKryo GmbH offers cryostorage of valuable therapeutical and diagnostical biological samples, like stem cells and tissues. As a Fraunhofer-Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) spin-off, the BioKryo GmbH profits from a 10 year-experience in cryotechnology and stem cell research. The BioKryo GmbH possesses a license according to § 20c AMG for the storage of e.g. tissues or therapeutic stem cell lines and therefore we are able to provide a GMP compliant storage service.